Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

Life is Crazy and Forever Changing

Hi! My name is Sarah. I want to blog, like really blog, I want to share my life’s experiences with others, everything from raising kids (and surviving) to 30+ years of marriage and all of life’s obstacles I have encountered. 

Currently my life is changing, well I should say, our life is changing. Almost a year ago my husband, Mike, and I sold our house in a rural county of Northern CA and moved to the coast of CA. Who does that in a middle of a pandemic? Well apparently, many people move during a pandemic. Anyway, it was time for us to move, we had been feeling the itch for a few years. We had fell in a rut, you know, always doing the same thing, but wanting a different result. We had trapped ourselves in a hamster wheel of work, work, and more work, or at least that’s what it felt like. We were always working; at least that what we told ourselves, our productivity had dropped off and our desire to work was suffering, we had hit the critical stages of burn out.  

Getting the courage up to make any changes was intimidating and daunting. To think about doing something different, even though deep down that is what you want, the process to facilitate that change was literally overwhelming and scary. Looking at the entire process at once was mind boggling and our brains would shut down, we would talk ourselves out of what we wanted to do, and kept doing what was comfortable, even though we were miserable.  It took us a bit before we realized that being uncomfortable was ok, it meant we were growing. That was the moment we started implementing our ideas and the changes took off. 

To look back at those years I cringe inwardly at all the times we thought we were busy working and missed out on life. We did not do many activities or events we were invited to as we thought we had to work to earn that dollar to make us happy. When in fact, we were giving up the very things that we would eventually realize would bring us joy and be exactly what we were looking for. 

I invite you to read along here and subscribe to our YouTube channel; as we start to live our lives more intentionally, with the purpose to enjoy life and what it has to offer. We want to meet new people, try new things, see new places and share it all with you. You never know what is around the next bend. 

Adventure On! 

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